Author Archives: admin

Get the Look of Diamonds for Less with Diamond Synthetics and Simulants

While diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, they aren’t your wallet’s best friend. Natural diamonds are expensive, especially for larger stones, higher quality, and higher quantities. If you want the bling of diamonds without the price tag, you have two options: synthetic diamonds or diamond simulants. Continue reading

Masculine Metals Expand the Jewelry Offerings for Men

Women shouldn’t have all the fun when it comes to jewelry. But selecting jewelry for men can be tricky. In the past, men’s jewelry consisted mainly of a simple watch and a wedding ring. But the trend toward business casual attire in the workplace has led to more men using accessories to set themselves apart and express their personal style. Continue reading

Bring Worn or Damaged Jewelry Back to Life with Jewelry Restoration

Fine jewelry is valuable in more ways than one. Not only does it carry a financial value, but it often carries a sentimental value as well. Your jewelry may represent important events in your life, or maybe it’s an heirloom piece that has been passed down through the generations and is part of your family history. But the physical stress caused by regular wear or improper care can cause jewelry to become damaged or lose its luster. Continue reading

Show Mom How Much She Means to You This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. While most people tend to focus on their significant other, there’s one woman that everyone should recognize on Valentine’s Day: Mom. Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romance. It’s about expressing your love to those people most important in your life. And few people have been more important or influential in your life than your mother.

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Natural Color Diamonds Offer a Full Spectrum of Dazzling Color Choices

When you think of diamonds, most people automatically think of white diamonds. But diamonds actually come in a rainbow of colors. While many people are familiar with yellow and pink diamonds, there are many more colors to be found. Diamond grading laboratories, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), use a list of 27 different colors of diamonds.

The conditions required to color a diamond naturally occur very seldom, making natural color diamonds, sometimes called fancy color diamonds, extremely rare. For every 10,000 colorless diamonds found, there is only one fancy color diamond. Continue reading

Choose the Perfect Bridal Jewelry for Your Special Day

As you plan your wedding, you’ve undoubtedly put a lot of time and thought into finding the perfect wedding gown. You’ve probably spent hours selecting beautiful bridesmaids’ dresses. But don’t forget about selecting the right accessories to complete the look. The right necklace or earrings can take the dress from pretty to breathtaking. Continue reading

Tips for Buying Jewelry Online

Shopping for jewelry online offers the convenience of being able to shop from the comfort of your home and provides endless options, both in terms of selection and price. But, as you would do when shopping for other items online, you need to use caution and common sense when buying jewelry online. While there are many reputable and reliable online jewelry stores, there are also many not-so-reputable ones waiting to scam shoppers. With a little effort, you can enjoy the advantages of online jewelry shopping while feeling secure doing so. Continue reading

Demand for Black Diamond Jewelry is Growing

Everyone is familiar with the traditional white diamond and most people have seen colored diamonds, such as pink or yellow. But now the black diamond is drawing attention.

The black diamond, also called Carbonado, is a natural polycrystalline that absorbs light rather than refracting it as white diamonds do. As many diamond experts will point out, black diamonds are actually low-grade diamonds that become discolored when carbon in the stone remains uncrystallized, creating the black hue. But low-grade does not necessarily equate to low value. The black diamonds are found only in Brazil and Central Africa, making them extremely rare. With black diamonds, darker hues are considered to be higher quality, and thus worth more. Continue reading